Be careful .... !!! 6 Food Cause Your Heart Disease

Be careful .... !!! 6 Food Cause Your Heart Disease
6 Food Cause Your Heart Disease
6 Food Cause Your Heart Disease
Maintaining a healthy heart into is something that should not be ignored in your life.  
This is because, so that the vital function of the heart that became one of the members of your body. 
Although heart disease is one that is hard to detect the presence of disease.  

However, a variety of things we can do to minimize heart defects.  

One of them by avoiding a variety of foods that cause heart disease

So, what are the foods that cause heart disease ... ???

Heart disease can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle in your daily life.  
You may not realize that there are other types of food you eat each day has the potential to cause heart disease you.  

Health tips this time will provide information on a variety of foods that cause heart disease

health tips, six of the following foods cause your heart disease:

1.      The first food that is processed foods that often you eat everyday such as various processing chips. There is no harm in eating a variety of processed foods if you eat them in reasonable amounts, and not excessive. Because overload can potentially lead to heart disease risk.

2.      Eggs become one of the foods that could potentially be the cause of heart disease, especially the yolk. But do not make you eat an egg allergy. Because eating eggs in sufficient quantities will not harm your heart or in other words do not go overboard WITH consume eggs. because eating eggs in excessive amounts can increase the amount of cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease.

3.      The next food that could potentially lead to heart disease is salt. In this case maybe salty snacks we consume every day without ever knowing it can lead to heart disease, such as packaged snacks and vegetables were too salty.

4.      Various foods containing saturated fats could also potentially be one of the causes of heart disease if consumed in excess. A variety of foods that contain saturated fat include red meat, dairy products, coconut and palm oil. Food can cause organ arteries in the heart can be hardened and narrowed.

5.      Sweet foods could also potentially be one of the causes of heart disease if consumed in excess. This is because, sugary foods can cause diabetes is a risk factor for liver disease you.

6.      A variety of baked goods and fast food also has the potential to be the cause of heart attacks if taken in excess. This is because, these foods contain a lot of fat is not good for your liver organ.

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